יום רביעי, 12 בספטמבר 2012

One can gain his world with one mail

לכל ידידינו! לבקשת רבים, אנו פותחים מסלול לימוד של 'שמירת הלשון' באנגלית.

אנא שילחו הודעה זו, הקוראת להצטרף למסלול זה, לכל מכריכם העשויים להתעניין בדבר


Towards the start of the new cycle of learning Shmiras Halashon


On Rosh Hashana 5773


Please send this message to any e-mail address or circulation list you have, and take part in disseminating Torah and the learning of Hilchos Shmiras Halashon


Every one of us is aware of the great importance of learning Hilchos Loshon Hora and Rechilus, while without the learning of these Halachos it is almost impossible to save one's self from these Issurim, which we encounter wherever we turn. One of the wonderful tools to learn these Halachos, is the daily partition of Sefer Chofetz Chaim into a cycle of four months, in which each day one learns about two paragraphs, and can complete the entire Hilchos Loshon Hora and Rechilus.

Indeed, there are many who start learning these Halachos, but few are those who complete them.

The main problem is that normally some kind of "gap" is formed, either on a Shabbos or just a busy day, because of forgetfulness or lack of time or absence of a learning book, and afterwards the possuk "If you will leave me for a day – I shall leave you for two days" is fulfilled, and one awaits the next cycle…

The organization of "Two halachos a day" has founded the section of Shmiras Halashon with the purpose of helping whoever is interested to learn the book of Chofetz Chaim. By means of e-mail, each night we send the daily halacha which is learned the following day, directly to your email box (including the halachos of Shabbos – which are sent on Friday), which prevents the possibility of forgetting, of lack or book or other excuses…

In the Hebrew language course, there are more than ten thousand (11,400!) subscriptions participate in this learning, we call upon you to join this learning in English.


The following are (part of) the advantages of joining our organizations:


Summary of Halachos

In order to make the learning easier, and out of consideration for those who have no time or ability to learn all the halachos, which are normally quite lengthy, we send the daily halachos in a short and understandable, clear and catchy version.


The Zchus of many

Thousands of men and women are subscribed to this service, and learn these halachos together, and Chazal have said "Many who perform the Torah, are unlike few who perform the Torah".


Free of charge

There is no need to say that this service does not entail any payment.


Preparation for the Day of Judgment…

This cycle of learning "Chofetz Chaim" starts on Rosh Hashana 5773… Who does not look for merits on the Day of Judgment? By joining this learning you are entering the legion of the King, the large public of people who are toiling to watch their tongue, who are learning the halachos in order to improve their behavior, something which undoubtedly adds great merits to the Days of Judgment.


Full confidentiality 

Entering our address database does not entail any leaking into other databases, despite many requests on behalf of different bodies to receive our base, we are careful that no address will be transferred to any factor. The only purpose of the addresses is to send the daily halachos, and no other usage is made of them.


You can change your mind…

Obviously at any stage you could ask us to remove your address from the list, and within a short while your address will be totally removed.



All you have to do is send an e-mail to this address: L22english@gmail.com


With blessings,

'Two Halachos a Day'/Shmiras Halashon Organization


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